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Awesome Traffic Bot moderates and separates your works as a campaign. Campaigns have name, tags, tasks to accomplish and all that you need from the software. You'll control your works by campaigns and you can define how they should work.

Campaign name

Each campaign can have a name that you can differentiate them from each other.


Campaigns can have tags. This gives you more flexibility in labeling your campaigns and categorizing them in different tags.

Device chance

You can specify percentage of devices of the visitors you want the bot to send. The bot has a server that's responsible for updating user-agents and publishing it to the application. This makes sure you miss no any new user-agents without actually updating your bot.

The bot has 3 common devices in its core. Desktop, Mobile and tablet.

Number of visitors

It's the total number of visitors that you want to accomplish. If you have several tasks in each campaign, one visitor will be counted after completing all of the defined tasks.

You can also choose unlimited as the number of visitors. So, the bot will not have any number limitations. However, it will send traffic based on your configuration and number of threads.

Delay between campaigns

This can be used to make the bot wait as long as you want before proceeding with the next visitor (whether be the same campaign or the next visitor of another campaign). So, for instance if you choose 60 seconds as delay between the campaigns, when the bot (thread) sends the visitor to that campaign and makes every tasks done, it will wait that long before proceeding with the next visitor.

Multi threading

Awesome Traffic Bot needs a processor in the backend to process your campaigns and execute the requsted tasks. These processors are called Thread or Instance. They're responsible for running campaigns, stopping them and checking if the conditions are met for proceeding with campaigns like if scheduling is enabled and it's time for processing, etc.

Each thread can be connected to only one single browser. So, if you have 5 threads/instances, the bot will be able to control 5 browsers simultaneously. Thus, if you want the bot to send 5 visitors at the same time, you'll need to use 5 threads and your hardware specs should let them run.

You have basically two options in here.

  1. The bot has a defualt settings of threading that you can edit it by selecting the related tab from left side bar or by clicking on the default button in the campaign configuration page.
  2. If you don't want the bot to control this campaign within its default and general thread settings, you can select a specific thread number exclusivly for your campaign. You need to turn on the multi-threading option and then select the custom option and enter your desired number.

Thread settings of the bot also consists of 2 parts:

  1. The number of threads. This can also mean how many browsers you usually want the bot to have in control simultaneously. So, if you choose 5 threads, the bot will execute and run 5 campaigns at the same time which can also mean the bot will have 5 browsers in control at the same time.
  2. Threading mode. They're two modes. Assign all campaigns to all threads and start from beginning, assign different campaigns to different threads and start randomly.

Assign all campaigns to all threads

Threads will start sending visitor from the first campaign all together. For instance: if you have 30 campaigns to send traffic to and you choose 30 threads, each thread will initiate from the first campaign and it will process campaigns until the last one.

Assign different campaigns to threads

Threads will start sending visitors from different campaigns For instance: if you have 30 campaigns to send traffic to and you choose 30 threads, each thread will have a different campaign assigned (first thread will send traffic to the first campaign, second thread to the second campaign, and so forth)

Browser Profile

Well, today, the history and background of users’ activities on the internet play an important role for companies in determining the quality of visitors and the impact of the searches.

It seems pretty obvious for each one of us, we care for recurring visitors, clients, and even events more than others! We humans also listen to advice and feedback from known users much more than an unknown person!

It’s also the same thing when it comes to big tech companies like Google, Facebook, etc. If you’re an active user with a strong background, your feedback and activities have lots more impact in comparison with a newly created user that nobody has a clue of.

This feature is being used for creating credibility and warming up browser profiles for more advanced tasks. You can customize the behavior of browsers and the way that bot manages the browser profiles. If you want to save browser profiles (including cookies, history, password, etc.) after creating the profiles and accomplishing the added tasks and campaigns. After saving them, you can also use the saved profiles later. This gives you the flexibility to do advanced tasks that you need warmed up and background of history.

Log All Activities

You can make the bot to log every single action it does on the websites and webpages. It will record all of the actions done by the bot along with the IP address and so on. By enabling this feature you can get comprehensive activity logs of the bot.

Performance impact

If you're going to send tens of thousands visitors, enabling this feature can lead to increased disk space usage and it can impact the performance. It's recommended for use when sending limited number of visitors, up to 1000 per day.

Block Resources

To save data in certain situations, you have the option to block various resources from loading on the page. This feature allows you to selectively prevent the loading of specific resources, aiding in data savings.


Enabling this feature may trigger bot detection systems, leading to the identification of the browser as a bot. It's a safer approach if you only block images and videos.


If you enable image blocking, it may sometimes prevent analytical tools like Google Analytics from accurately counting visitors.


You can choose whether you want the bot to scroll inside the webpages or not.


To schedule your campaign for sending a designated number of visitors per day, on specific weekdays, or on particular dates, utilize the scheduling feature. Save your configured settings for convenient future use.